Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Not as different as you would think

Since selecting my excellent steer Stewart (or Beef Stew for short) I have received many comments on how perfect we are for each other.  He has been called my mini-me, what I would be like if I were reincarnated as a bovine, and Allie-The-Steer. But no matter how you put it, I have to admit there is a certain...er... similarity.  This similarity is heightened by the fact that, in addition to both having copper colored hair (or in Stewey's case fur), we both currently have colds.

Now, until now I had never even considered how to treat a 700 lb steer that's coughing and sneezing and I now know that it is quite the process, and quite different than the way I treat my own colds.

Step One: Steer- Move sick steer out of his pen, down the hallway and into the squeeze shoot.  It helps to have some help from the big boys for this step.
                Me- Leave room and drive 40 minutes to Dr's office.  It helps to have a parent to help with the driving part if you don't feel good for this step.

Stewey poses in the squeeze shoot! I was glad to have help getting him in there!

Step Two:  Steer- Find soft cloth and wipe mucus discharge from steer's nose
                  Me- Find box of tissues and you know....

Step Three: Steer-Measure out the appropriate amount of medication according to the weight of the animal.  Remember to follow all directions on the medication, especially any instructions about splitting the dosage.  Stewey needed 20 cc of antibiotics, but could only have 10 in one site, so he needed a shot in either side of his neck. OUCH!
Mrs. Lacey Measuring Antibiotics for Stewey
                  Me- Measure out the appropriate amount of medication according to the prescription.  Remember to follow important directions like "Go to sleep after you take this"

Step Four: Steer-Lead Steer gently back to pen and brush him well.  Make sure to scratch his belly and apologize profusely for the above indignities.  Then leave the pen with soft words and let the poor thing rest and eat lots of hay.
                 Me- Go home and rest as much as possible.  This might take up to an entire week.  Make sure to watch cartoons sparingly and be nice to the rest of your family as they feed you Popsicles and chips 'n salsa. Try not to think about your sick steer.

I'm REALLY glad my shots don't come from needles like this...

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